Propose a Workshop

Early Origins of Male Violence

May 1-3, 2019 Santa Fe, NM, Santa Fe Community Convention Center

The Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation invites proposals for discussion of issues in symposia and workshops relevant to the theme/title of the conference: Early Origins of Male Violence. The main focus of the conference is the exploration of the roots of males being at greater risk for experiencing causal factors early in life (prenatal, infant, and toddler periods) that are associated with acts of violence later in life—rape, robbery, murder, and assault.

The following information is provided to assist in preparing proposals for presentations. For further information or questions, please contact

Submission Types (All submissions are peer reviewed.)

Symposium. A symposium combines no more than two or three presentations grouped around a common sub-theme or closely related topics. Symposia are scheduled for 50 minutes.  Symposia presenters are scheduled for a maximum of 30 minutes.  Each symposium presenter will be allotted an equal portion of time, with the remainder of time set aside for active discussion with the audience.

Workshop. Workshops are designed for one or several presenters from the same institution or project team who plan to share information about a particular body of knowledge, evidence-based practice, engaged teaching techniques, assessment or research instrument, or methodology, or successful program intervention. Active discussion between audience and presenter(s) should take place throughout the session. Workshops will be scheduled for 50 minutes.

NOTE: The number of symposia or workshops accepted will depend on quality of proposals and conference space available for such events. Accepted proposals will receive a 50% discount on the conference registration fee for up to three co-presenters.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Presentation title (10-word maximum)

  • Presentation subtheme(s) or topics the proposal relates to
  • Presentation format (Symposium, workshop, or other)
  • Abstract/summary for conference program (70-word maximum)
  • Presentation description (500 word maximum)
  • Presentation technology needs
  • Primary presenter contact information, including academic degree, title, organization, phone number, and email address
  • Contact information for up to five co-presenters

Criteria for Evaluation of Submissions

  • Completeness and clarity of presentation
  • Relevance to the theme of the conference
  • New learning, questions, models, practices illustrated by your work
  • Measures used to demonstrate changes in individuals or organizations
  • Evidence of (1) strategies for program sustainability or (2) implications for early childhood programs and policies.
  • Implications or “take-away” message for people attending your presentation.
  • Learning objectives of the workshop or symposium

Procedures for Submissions

  • Proposals should be submitted as PDF documents and emailed to with the subject title: Proposal Submission.